This is the complete list of members for VirtualSlotSwitch, including all inherited members.
_active | ParameteredObject | |
_addInputSlot(Slot &slot, const std::string &name, const std::string &doc, const std::string &type="") | ParameteredObject | protected |
_addInputSlot(Slot &slot, const std::string &name, const std::string &displayname, const std::string &doc, const std::string &type) | ParameteredObject | protected |
_addOutputSlot(Slot &slot, const std::string &name, const std::string &doc, const std::string &type="") | ParameteredObject | protected |
_addOutputSlot(Slot &slot, const std::string &name, const std::string &displayname, const std::string &doc, const std::string &type) | ParameteredObject | protected |
_addParameter(AbstractParameter ¶m, const std::string &name, const std::string &doc, const std::string &type="") | ParameteredObject | protected |
_addParameter(Parameter< T > ¶m, const std::string &name, const std::string &doc, const T &defVal, const std::string &type="") | ParameteredObject | protected |
_addSomething(const std::string &extension, const std::string &name, const std::string &doc, const std::string &type, const std::string &defaultValue="") | ParameteredObject | protected |
_commitSlots() | ParameteredObject | protected |
_getTargetNodes() | ParameteredObject | protected |
_prepareSlots() | ParameteredObject | protected |
_removeInputSlot(std::string name) | ParameteredObject | protected |
_removeOutputSlot(std::string name) | ParameteredObject | protected |
_removeSomething(const std::string &extension, const std::string &name) | ParameteredObject | protected |
_setDynamic(bool v) | ParameteredObject | protected |
_setTags(const std::string &tags) | ParameteredObject | protected |
_virtualInputSlots (defined in VirtualSlotSwitch) | VirtualSlotSwitch | protected |
_virtualOutputSlots (defined in VirtualSlotSwitch) | VirtualSlotSwitch | protected |
boolean_inputnumber (defined in VirtualSlotSwitch) | VirtualSlotSwitch | |
build_type enum name | ParameteredObject | |
clearMetadata() | ParameteredObject | |
connected() const | ParameteredObject | virtual |
DEBUG_BUILD enum value | ParameteredObject | |
execute() | VirtualSlotSwitch | protectedvirtual |
executed() const | ParameteredObject | inline |
finalize() | ParameteredObject | protectedvirtual |
fixCase(const std::string &parOrSlotName) const | ParameteredObject | |
getClassName() const | ParameteredObject | inline |
getInputSlots() const | ParameteredObject | |
getMetadata() | ParameteredObject | |
getName() const | ParameteredObject | inline |
getNeighbours() const | ParameteredObject | |
getNeighbours(const ParameterFile &pf) const | ParameteredObject | |
getOutputSlots() const | ParameteredObject | |
getParameter(const std::string &name) const (defined in ParameteredObject) | ParameteredObject | |
getParameters() const | ParameteredObject | |
getSlot(const std::string &slotName) const | ParameteredObject | |
getTemplateType() const | ParameteredObject | virtual |
initialize() | ParameteredObject | virtual |
inputnumber | VirtualSlotSwitch | |
isDynamic() (defined in ParameteredObject) | ParameteredObject | |
loadParameters(const ParameterFile &pf) | ParameteredObject | virtual |
loadSlots(const ParameterFile &pf, const PluginManagerInterface *man) | ParameteredObject | |
number_of_inputs | VirtualSlotSwitch | |
oldselection (defined in VirtualSlotSwitch) | VirtualSlotSwitch | protected |
onLoad(const ParameterFile &pf, const PluginManagerInterface *man) | ParameteredObject | virtual |
onSave(ParameterFile &pf) const | ParameteredObject | virtual |
output | VirtualSlotSwitch | |
ParameteredObject(const std::string &className, const std::string &name="", const std::string &doc="") | ParameteredObject | protected |
prepareDynamicInterface(const ParameterFile &file) | VirtualSlotSwitch | protectedvirtual |
raise(const std::string &message) const | ParameteredObject | |
RELEASE_BUILD enum value | ParameteredObject | |
resetExecuted(bool propagate=true) | ParameteredObject | virtual |
run() | ParameteredObject | virtual |
runPreceeding() const | ParameteredObject | protected |
runPreceeding(const Slot &slot) const | ParameteredObject | protected |
save(ParameterFile &pf) const | ParameteredObject | |
saveParameters(ParameterFile &pf) const | ParameteredObject | virtual |
setExecuted(bool value) | ParameteredObject | inlinevirtual |
setNumberOfVirtualSlots(int num) (defined in VirtualSlotSwitch) | VirtualSlotSwitch | protected |
setParameter(std::string name, T value) (defined in ParameteredObject) | ParameteredObject | |
statement | VirtualSlotSwitch | |
template_type enum name | ParameteredObject | |
TYPE_DOUBLE enum value | ParameteredObject | |
TYPE_FLOAT enum value | ParameteredObject | |
TYPE_INT enum value | ParameteredObject | |
UNDEFINED_BUILD enum value | ParameteredObject | |
VirtualSlotSwitch(const std::string &name="") | VirtualSlotSwitch | |
~ParameteredObject() | ParameteredObject | virtual |
~VirtualSlotSwitch() (defined in VirtualSlotSwitch) | VirtualSlotSwitch |