Helper Workflows

Table of Contents

Data Conversion
Convert Images to CImg Sequence

Data Conversion

Convert Images to CImg Sequence contains a workflow that may be used to convert an image pair to a CImg sequnce as it is expected e.g. in the optical flow examples. In the file to-cimg-sequence.wrp, you may adjust the filename parameters of read1, read2 and writeRes to get your own image files converted to a sequence and to gray scale.

For grayscale conversion, the possibly RGB image is transformed to HSV color space and the value channel is used as grayscale value.

As input images, all formats are supported that may be read by CImg, see CImg Documentation for more infos.

After execution, the result is visualized using the ArgosDisplay module. If the conversion was successful, you should see two frames (in t-direction), so the t-selector should be able to switch between frame 0 and 1. All other selectors should remain inactive.

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